Monday, November 30, 2009

Devitt-Generalizing about Genre

In this essay, Devitt explains the new concepts of genre that is developing and she offers some suggestions on how it effects our thinking and writing. In the beginning of the essay, Devitt addresses the old conceptions of genre. She explains that genre is merely a sytem of literary criticism that divides writing based on it's forms. This makes genre a a normalizing and formulaic concept. Writers find it hard to break out of the generic constraints. However, this form of knowledge and genre is not easily discarded due to it's long history. This type of generalization has lead us to create the five-paragraph essay, the introductory paragrpah, and even the fourteen line sonnet. While this general concept of genre is all we know, Devitt explains a new concept that is developing. This new concepts relates genre to a rhetorical situation. The rhetorical response to writing or a text is what classifies the genre. The text not only reflects the genre but, it reflects the situation as well. This new idea has the ability to connect the reader and the writer as well as the process and the product. It is believed that this will help people better understand the concept of genre.
I think this is a fscinating concept. I agree with the new concept of genre. It seems more interesting and easier to understand. However, I also think it will be very hard to stray away from what we already know. Letting go of the old concept will not be easy.

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