Friday, December 4, 2009
Bawarshi-The Genre Function
Monday, November 30, 2009
Devitt-Generalizing about Genre
I think this is a fscinating concept. I agree with the new concept of genre. It seems more interesting and easier to understand. However, I also think it will be very hard to stray away from what we already know. Letting go of the old concept will not be easy.
Moss-Literacy in African American Churches
1. What constitutes a text, particularly a literate text, in this setting?
2. How are what has been traditionally viewed as the components of the rhetorical situation,-rhetor, audience, message-affected by an alternative view of text that I argue for in this book?
3. How does this "new" concept of literacy and text function in African-American churches?
4. How does this alternative conceptulization of literacy and text impact on traditional notions of literacy and text?
The questions Moss used to generate her research helped me when I was working on my Literacy in Communities project. I really used her essay as a tour guide when trying to create ideas for my paper. Although my topic (Organic Community) is a much different topic than literacy in African-American churches, I was able to look past the academic setting of literacy and text and focus on how people use literacy everyday after reading her essay. In my project I tried to answer at least two of her general questions or address them in one way or another. I also agree with her views on literacy as a social process. My project was very much a social community and the process in which they use literacy really proves that. Moss' piece was an incredible help towards my project. After reading her essay, I felt more comfortable with my paper.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Gere-Kitchen Tables and Rented Rooms
Monday, November 2, 2009
Harris- The Idea of Community
Bartholomae-Inventing the University
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Gilyard-Race Theory
In this examination of racism in the American culture I have never heard such a true portray of this long debated diverse-multi-cultural world and how it has come to be. This article starts off with a story of a student at Columbus University who is going to school, working hard, and gathering worldly knowledge. Makil is an African-American student whose professor challenges him to improve his composition skills. Throughout the essay many racial issues concerning rhetoric and discourse are addressed. Makil eventually turns in a paper of good quality and his professor questions whether it was a valid essay because of his race.The Article shifts views into how this story plays into what “race” is. Why does it have to be something brought up? Isn’t that what racism is in the first place? There can definitely be counter-racism too. This professor was trying to push the stereotypes further by trying to make the situation, a situation. The first mistake we make is by even laying out the framework through our head that White people are like this, Orientals are like that, and Latinos are this too. That is the underlying issue here. It’s just We, People are like that. We all are one, but through the media, through history and through our social lives we have become completely Racialized. I liked this article a lot. It has shined a new light on an old thought in my head. We never really take the time to step back to see that we are the ones who perpetuate “racism” ourselves by being prideful and proud of our heritage or false heritage. We all have the same heritage; we are all the same culture, just different ideas.